Aquatic Ecosystem Restoration Foundation

Quick Resources

LeRoy Rodgers and his staff at SFWMD, Ian and Skippy of the Corps, and Lee County all did a great job explaining their programs and the importance of invasive weed and insect management in aquatic ecosystems. We tried to cover everything from endangered species, herbicide resistance, biological control, herbicide residues, to applicator safety, training, and oversight (permitting). Thank the new AERF Board for keeping these critical national projects alive and well.
Bill Haller, Ph.D.
University Of Florida
While not directly involved in actual regulatory decisions, as a toxicologist, all the information that was provided at each location by a variety of pesticide-responsible parties was very educational. This was my first tour with the EPA, as the aquatic nature of it peaked my interest due my scientific background, and I am very glad I signed on to attend.
Jeremy Leonard, Ph.D.
Toxicologist | US EPA


Support research and development of aquatic ecosystem management strategies

Advocate for environmentally sound conservation and restoration of aquatic ecosystems

Provide information to the public regarding aquatic plant management

Serve as an unbiased voice for ecosystem management activities

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Fresh water is vital to all life. Pressure mounts on the unique aquatic ecosystems we depend on. Although traditional management techniques and tools are available, there is a pressing need to develop new strategies and refine existing ones that can selectively control this aggressive vegetation in an environmentally compatible fashion.


The Issue

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Accomplishments & On-Going Efforts